Timing the trade is most important thing one should know. Even if you are in the right direction but cannot time it well it is not going to make meaningful profits.
Use Time forecasting tools to see the important reversals days that can form meaningful lows.
See the below chart of Nifty with important dates marked on chart and Yes it formed lows on these dates. But those are not randomly placed but have a synchronized movement.
Nifty daily chart:

Nifty: Trade Options based on Time Forecasting Dates!
If you notice on the chart certain dates like 24/10/2018, 19/09/2019/ or 10/12/2019 have witnessed formation of major lows. Interestingly these dates are related to each other by a common factor. If we are able to figure out this time relation between consequent lows it can help in forecasting important date for the next low.
Now if you are looking for buy opportunity and price action confirms with time that is lethal to enter a trade with much high conviction, classic stoploss for a big Risk Reward ratio.
On the above chart of Nifty one can see the Neo wave counts and patterns as well. When it is combined with Time forecasting tool it becomes a very strong method for taking swing trades.
Option trading can be leveraged at its best by only timing the trade correctly. A prudent strategy can be formed if we know markets are going to be trending or range bound. Selling out of money options during sideways market and entering early on just before the trend starts by buying options can make you money either side
Can you identify the relationship between these dates?
Do not guess the market but trade with scientific and systematic approach for taking those big trades which do not come very often based on Time series forecasting!
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Learn these methods of Time forecasting and predict the dates of reversals well in advance in the upcoming Mentorship program which will be an ongoing training for 3 whole months. Learn the art of trading options using these important tools. To register under Early bird offer Contact US here