Thursday, May 27, 2021

Gold, A True Rally? – Time Cycles Cannot be More Accurate!

 Time Cycles is a very important Technical Analysis study and is rarely focused by traders.

Look at the below charts with application of Time Cycles on different Time Frames applied on Gold in USD.

It is simply amazing to see how easy Trading becomes if one is aware about such reversal time areas with exact date to the very minute.

Gold USD 55 Days Time Cycle:

Technical Analysis, Trading, Gold, Commodity, MCX, Time cycles

Gold USD 60 minutes 189 period Time Cycle:

Technical Analysis, Trading, Gold, Commodity, MCX, Time cycles

Gold USD 193 (15 Minutes) Time Cycle:

Technical Analysis, Trading, Gold, Commodity, MCX, Time cycles

J. M. Hurst (father of Time Cycles) suggested there are a few standard or nominal cycles applicable in scientific field. The same can be extended to freely traded markets.

We used the concepts of Hurst’s Time Cycles and found actual cycles working on Gold prices. It is amazing to see it can be applied simply across Daily, Hourly, 15 minutes time frame and all working extremely well.

We can see that all the major lows formed on Gold is near 55 days cycle including the recent one formed in April2021 near 1700 and a rally of more than 12% from there is seen.

Once the trend is clear on bigger time frame a trader can then drill down to smaller time frame charts in order to time the exact entry using simple methods of Time and CandleSticks. Many traders complicate it by combining various indicators but it is not required as we can easily trade keeping things simple.

Learn the simple science of trading using Time in Master of Cycles 2 days Live Event Online. This event happens only once in a year and you cannot miss the opportunity of learning Powerful tools that is so far known only to Expert traders. Learn it yourself in this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Mentorship on Technical Analysis can result into a huge transformation in the way you trade and ride the trend. Right from planning a trade to executing to complete hands on experience and follow-ups. Trade with style and simple methods. know more

EarlyBird Offer Ends In 3 Days – Master of Cycles  Learn the science of Timing the market to the very Day and Minute in easy steps and Simple fashion. No prior knowledge required. Early Bird for this two days of Event ends on 30th May 2021, Limited Seats only. Register Now and increase the accuracy drastically by timing the markets. Fill the Form Here

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