When combining basic price patterns with technical indicators like ADX, it can lead to remarkable results in trading. See how we captured a significant move in Craftsman Automation Ltd stock by applying the ADX momentum strategy. Check out how the stock rallied by more than 18% after our prediction.
We published the following research on Craftsman Automation Ltd on 03rd March 2025 in the “Vayu Momentum Report” which our subscribers receive pre-market every day.
CRAFTSMAN Daily chart Anticipated as on 03rd March 2025Wave Analysis as on 03rd March 2025:
CRAFTSMAN closed on a positive note with a massive gain of 7.67%. The stock has formed a rounding bottom pattern. On the daily chart, Price has closed above 4473 which confirms breakout of the said pattern. Also, ADX is suggesting strong momentum can continue in this stock as it is showing readings of 35.15 which is above 25. For now, one should use buy on dips approach to ride the trend.
Key Resistance: 4800
Key Support: 4260
Strategy: Use dips towards 4420-4460 as a buying opportunity for a move towards 4760-4800 levels as long as 4260 holds on the downside.
CRAFTSMAN Daily chart Happened as on 11th March 2025Happened: After we published the report, the stock moved in sync with our expectations. Craftsman showed a rise of more than 18% in just a matter of 7 trading sessions and BANG ON!! Prices managed to achieve both our given targets and made a high of 5247 levels. We successfully captured this entire rise by simple price action and ADX.
It is fascinating to see how accurately combining basic indicators like ADX along with price action can help to predict price targets with accuracy.
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