Monday, June 24, 2024

Momentum Stock – SKF India Head & Shoulder with Elliott wave

 Momentum stocks trading requires understanding of technical analysis patterns like Head & Shoulder. This combined along with Elliott wave can provide strong breakout opportunity.

Below stock of SKF India was discussed during the live Brahmastra (Mentorship) session when it was trading near 6300 levels for target of 7200 on upside.

SKF Hourly chart - Anticipated

SKF Hourly chart - Anticipated

SKF India hourly chart: Happened

SKF India momentum stock was identified during the live trading session of Brahmastra – Mentorship when the stock was trading near the levels of 6300.

The upside target using Head & Shoulder pattern along with Elliott wave was derived at 7200.

Elliott wave suggested that wave 4 was complete and the stock was ready to move up in form of wave iii of 5. Wave iii are most powerful legs that can cover maximum distance in minimal possible time.

Also the stock selection was done using Algo created during mentorship session.

The stock gave a breakout on upside as expected and rose by 12% after two days of the identification. It rose another 4% on next trading day thereby achieving the target of 7200 levels.

The above clearly suggest the process of stock identification using algo and then trading on basis of Elliott wave pattern.

In a nutshell, trading requires edge over others. Elliott wave and Time cycle provides the necessary edge required to trade with high accuracy, low risk high reward setup.

Brahmastra (Mentorship) on trading – Traders are not born and can be created. Learn the science of Trading using Elliott wave, Neo wave, Time cycles, Algo creation, Multibagger & Momentum stock identification and complete handholding over the period of 3 months with lifelong access to private telegram group. Early bird ends soon. Know more

 Neo wave along with a simple price indicator helps to form powerful setups with a good accuracy. In the previous monthly report dated on 6th May 2024 we anticipated possible correction in Nifty. Nifty moved precisely during an event!

The market move as per its own pattern and events just acts as catalyst that can reduce or increase the time period 

Nifty Weekly chart anticipated as on 6th May 2024

Nifty Daily chart as on 6th May 2024

Wave analysis as 6th May 2024

Weekly chart divergence – This is an important chart with lot of technical information. We can see that prices are clinging to the upper trendline but failing to break above it with momentum since many weeks. There is series of negative divergence that we can see on the weekly time frame. It is rare to see triple negative divergence that we are witnessing now and it is not a very good omen. Also, as per wave perspective we might be completing wave (e) higher of Diametric pattern and should start seeing wave (f) to start soon if it is already not started. Next few days of price action will confirm this.

Daily chart divergence – Nifty on the daily time frame is also showing series of negative divergence. We can see that there is a double top formation as well near 22800 levels. Also as mentioned in previous monthly report if we break above 22800 then it will only extend the topping process before we reverse back on downside. Also wave (e) has taken similar amount of time to that of wave (c) which is in sync with matured outlook.

In a nutshell, …. Series of negative divergence across Weekly, daily charts are warning signs and breach below 22350 followed by 22200 will open downside targets for 21750 or lower to 21100 levels. …. Time to embrace increase in volatility and sharp moves from here on and Options can provide classic opportunity for traders to trade on either side of the trend.

Nifty Happened on weekly chart

Nifty daily chart: Happened
Happened: In 6th May monthly research we mentioned clearly about series of negative divergences seen across the time frame. There was slow down in momentum on weekly, daily and hourly charts and this was also much before the election results that were declared on 4th of June 2024.

Also, we anticipated that a break below 22350 can result into market moving down to 21750 followed by 21100 levels. This was based on the targets of wave f projected down compared to wave b. Nifty as soon as broke below 22350 collapsed on downside moving towards 21280 levels. After forming a low near 21280 levels market recovered sharply. We even mentioned in our daily research that prices can touch lifetime high levels again when index was only near 22000 levels. This was also on the basis of Diametric pattern which completed wave f on downside and wave g higher started. This clearly shows despite of the event and volatility the pattern worked out extremely well.

Monthly research report – Get access to Equity daily research report annually and get monthly research report free along with it. Here is the link

3 Months Brahmastra (Mentorship) on Timing the Markets - Learn to time the market and trade with me for the period of 3 Months including Live trading, stock selection, Momentum, and Multibagger stock identification, Timing the entry to the very Day, Hour, and Minute using Time cycles and Elliott Wave analysis. Contact +919920422202. Fill the form below to know more

Is it Possible to Time Bank Nifty & Capture 1000 points?

 Is it possible to Time the market? Can we use methods that can predict when will prices reverse with exact date and time?

Yes, by applying concept of time cycles & combining it with price action it is possible to trade with time.

Look at the below chart of Bank Nifty with time cycle applied on 15 minutes time frame chart that was anticipated on 15th June 2024 webinar.

Bank Nifty 15 minutes chart: Anticipated on 15th June 2024

Bank Nifty Happened:

J.M. Hurst is known as the father of Time Cycles. He identified that there are a set of standard cycles that work across markets. We need to identify the time cycle working on that stock or index.

For Bank Nifty, 89 period of Time cycle works extremely well on 15 minutes time frame. Time trading has to be combined along with price action for precise entry.

Bank Nifty 15 minutes chart with time of 18th June 9.15am was derived much before the move happened. We can also see that the sharp rise on exit poll was preceded by the time cycle low. Bank Nifty moved up by more than 2500 points. On 4th of June from the cycle low.

Later again after the election outcome Bank Nifty rallied by 1400 points from the cycle low period.

Bank Nifty formed triangle pattern and was expected to give breakout on 18th June, 9.15am. Bank Nifty formed a low at 49900 and rallied by more than 1400 points already.

Time trading needs to be combined with Price action as well for precise entry. It is also possible to derive price target using Time concept.

Next date and time to track is on 21st June 2024, 12.45pm. Around this time one can see the pattern and price action and if favourable can pull the trigger to capture another move in Bank Nifty.

By combining this science of Time trading one need not worry about missing out the trend as the time is in favour and can be predicted well in advance.

In a nutshell, this simple science of Time trading can make all the difference in trading accuracy and is the much need missing ingredient to trade profitably.

Brahmastra (Mentorship) on Timing the market – Learn the science of Trading with the edge of Time in upcoming Brahmastra program with complete handholding. Learn to identify momentum and multibagger stocks with risk management and access to private telegram group for lifetime. This is opportunity to become the “Time Trader” Know more

 Nifty Time cycles has been working extremely well. Usually Cycles are used to catch lows but we can use the same in order to catch the tops as well if there is a rhythmic pattern. Time Cycles has to be applied along with Elliott wave / Neo wave for better forecasting ability and prudent trade setup.

Nifty witnessed a sharp fall in the previous week followed by a V shaped recovery. It is amazing to see how the advanced tools like FLD gave an indication of this reversal very precisely.

Following is the Nifty daily chart showing how the application of FLD helps in determining crucial reversal areas and target points.

Nifty Daily chart with FLD55 Days Time cycle – Nifty has been forming lows every 55 days as per this cycle and we can clearly see that in above chart. The dotted red line in centre is the main 55 Days Time cycle and we can see sharp bounce back on upside after prices are near that zone.

Future Line of Demarcation (FLD) -  is an important Technical analysis tool that helps us to project price targets, support and resistance points and to understand the underlying trend. This indicator is derived using Time cycle concept.

Whenever prices have crossed below the black line we get the target on downside with prices moving equal amount lower from the intersection point.

Similarly whenever prices crosses above the FLD line (black line) we get prices moving on upside by equal distance as shown on the chart.

On Election day, when there was very high volatility we can see that prices intersected below the black line on 4th June and achieved the downside target of 21400 on same day itself.

Later prices reversed up and intersected with FLD line on upside. It achieved the target of 23480 today.

Also this black line has acted as support or resistance unless decisive breakout is observed.

This is the concept of Time but one can derive clear price targets even on smaller 15 minutes and 5 minutes time frame. This is the power of Time Cycles

Combine the above method with Gann square of 9 to find out the important levels where Nifty might find support in near term. It is amazing to see how these advanced methods get aligned together.

3 Months Brahmastra (Mentorship) on Timing the Markets - Learn to time the market and trade with me for the period of 3 Months including Live trading, stock selection, Momentum, and Multibagger stock identification, Timing the entry to the very Day, Hour, and Minute using Time cycles and Elliott Wave analysis. Know more

TVS Motor can this be Multibagger?

 Time Cycle helps to understand if the overall trend is going to reverse back on upside. This is advanced technical analysis method is used for timing the market. For trading it is important to combine Price and Time studies together

TVS Motors is following 164 day’s Time cycle very well and we can clearly see that prices are forming low every time it approaches near to this cycle.

TVS Motor Daily chart with 164 Days Time CycleOn the above chart, the blue vertical lines represent 164 days cycle. As shown in above chart, we can see most of the lows are formed on our cycle and after almost every 164 period, TVS Motors has shown a positive reversal. The same has happened recently when prices made low exactly near our cycle in April 2024. After which, positive reversal on the upside was seen. So, for now the time is right for stock and we can expect rise to continue. One can use buy on dips approach to enter into the trend with the targets of 2600-2800 as long as cycle low is protected on the downside which is near 1875.

In a nutshell, trend for TVS Motor remains bullish. Elliott wave and Time cycle combination carries forecasting ability and one can trade exceptionally well by understanding these methods.

Brahmastra (Mentorship) on Timing the Market - Learn to time the market and trade with me for a period of 3 Months including Live trading, stock selection, Momentum, and Multibagger stock identification, Timing the entry to the very Day, Hour, and Minute using Time cycles and Elliott Wave analysis. Get access to Kaal Chakra (Master of Cycles) as soon as you register for Mentorship Know more

Time cycle helps in identification of possible lows but can also be used to find out supports. Time support zone with price action gives perfect combination for traders.

We have been applying Time cycles right from Weekly, Daily, 15 Minutes and 5 minutes chart. Depending on the Trading Time frame these cycle can accordingly be used.

Below is chart of Nifty showing Time cycles on 5 minutes chart.

Nifty 5 minutes chart:

Time cycles are used to catch lows. Above chart shows 64 period Time cycle applied on 5 minutes chart which has been working exceptionally well. 

As shown, the vertical blue lines are Time cycle zone and we have marked price area that is support as per this time cycle. Every time prices approach near the zone of Time cycle there is upward thrust that can be seen. So one can use Time as a very important parameter for taking the trade on buy side. 

To derive the targets one can use the concept of FLD (Hurst’s Time cycle) that can help traders with targets as well. 

Prices are again near 5 minutes Time support area. As per this now bounce back above 23380 will provide price and time confirmation  

In a nutshell, Hurst’s Time cycle is a complete trading system by itself if implemented correctly and provides trader with both Price and Time forecasting ability. For Option traders Timing is the most important parameter but largely ignored which can make all the difference in Trading PNL. 

Brahmastra (Mentorship) on Timing the Market Learn to time the market and trade with me for a period of 3 Months including Live trading, stock selection, Momentum, and Multibagger stock identification, Timing the entry to the very Day, Hour, and Minute using Time cycles and Elliott Wave analysis. Get access to Kaal Chakra (Master of Cycles) as soon as you register for Mentorship Know more 

Trading Nifty using Time Cycles on 15 Minutes Chart

 Time Cycles is a powerful Technical analysis study that can give a very clear reversal areas to traders.

Ever happened that even after knowing the trend it is difficult to make money because the timing was off by just an hour? Here is the solution to the problem.

Combine the trade with concept of Time.

Now look at the below charts of Nifty on a 15-minute chart

Nifty 15 minutes chart: 43-period Time cycle

The above chart clearly highlights areas of reversal and again these are not big time frame charts but 15 minutes.

Nifty 15 minutes chart shows 43 period Time cycle – we can clearly see that every 43 period with a few candles leeway prices reverse the trend from down to up. It has happened so precisely on many occasions to the very period and it clearly suggest that by knowing this information a trader can align his / her existing studies with Time period and enter the market exactly when it is supposed to reverse.

When the overall trend was on the downside prices gave short-term pullback on the upside. When the trend was positive, prices gave big swing from the time cycle period.

We can clearly see that after the low formed post-crash on the election result day on 4th June 2024, prices reversed up and started consolidating. Post that from 22000 there was a huge move to 22860 levels which started from the time cycle. A whopping 860 points move

By combining price action along with Time cycle on 15 minutes and even 5 minutes chart it is possible to time the entry to very Day, Hour and Minute.

3 Months Mentorship on Timing the Markets - Learn to time the market and trade with me for the period of 3 Months including Live trading, stock selection, Momentum, and Multibagger stock identification, Timing the entry to the very Day, Hour, and Minute using Time cycles and Elliott Wave analysis. Get access to Kaal Chakra Know more 

“Timing the Markets using Cycles and CandleSticks Excellent WAVES of- mind management explained,patience,science, time cycle & predictability ,destiny of market, momentum methods,mentorship,risk management” – By Pankaj N Tardeja

“Amazed by the time cycles how they exactly coincide with the important political and financial events. Awestruck when realizing that we can even predict when would be the next event that drives major changes in the stock market. More importantly, you have made it so simple to understand this complicated topic. Thank you!” – By Sreedhar Yeleswarapu 

BRITANNIA Bang On- 2 Best Indicators You Cannot Miss!

 Simple price pattern along with price indictors creates wonder if one combines it together! See yourself how we identified such a massive move in BRITANNIA. Check out how we selected this momentum stock named as BRITANNIA which has rallied more than 5% in a single day.

We published about BRITANNIA in "The Financial Waves Short Term Update" on 5th June 2024 which our subscribers receive pre-market every day. Check out below detailed research report that we published.

BRITANNIA Daily chart anticipated as on 5th June 2024

BRITANNIA Hourly chart anticipated as on 5th June 2024
Technical Analysis As on 5th June 2024

BRITANNIA has been moving higher recently and intact in strong uptrend. In the previous session it closed with a gain of 3.04%. Overall other FMCG stocks like HUL, Dabur, Marico were up by 3-6%.

On the daily chart, in the previous session prices formed a bullish candle. A daily close above 5370 level will confirm breakout of the rounding bottom pattern. We have applied parabolic SAR which used to determine the price direction as well as draw attention to when the price direction is changing. A series of dots placed below the price which is deemed to be a bullish signal

As shown on the hourly chart, price is trading above the ichimoku cloud which indicate that the short-term bias is bullish. Closest support is placed at 5035.

In short, trend for this stock is positive. A break above 5420 can lift price higher towards 5700-5750 levels as long as 5100 holds on the downside.

BRITANNIA Daily chart Happened as on 5th June 2024

Happened: Since opening candle itself stock showed a sharp rise and achieved our target 1 and made a high of 5725 which is almost near our target 2 which is more than 5% from buying levels in just 1 trading session 

Brahmastra (Mentorship) on timing the market – Learn the science of trading along with risk management, money management, complete trading strategy, Options Mantra, Sutra of Waves – Elliott wave, Neo wave and time cycles. 3 months of Mentorship is starting soon with only limited seats Know more 

Nifty Lifetime Highs Target 23290 Done! What is Next?

 Gann square of 9 along with Neo wave combined together to derive targets for Nifty and what is next after prices touched lifetime high levels?

Nifty has moved sharply higher as expected and prices touched 23290 levels already.

Below chart of Nifty was shown on 24th May 2024.

Nifty daily chart:Happened: Nifty Gann sq of 9 chart

Anticipated - Nifty moved up and achieved the target of 23290 after the exit polls itself. This was forecasted using Neo wave on 24th May 2024, much before the exit poll outcome.

Happened: Prices moved up precisely and crossed above 23300 levels. Gann square of 9 helps to understand the possible areas that can act as hurdle or magnet. We can see that 22276 has been the level that was pulling prices multiple times and it acted as a magnet.

Now that we have broken even above 22877 decisively this level will act as immediate support and on upside the next level as per Gann square of 9 is at 23486.

It will be interesting to see price action on the event day of Election actual outcome if 23486 level is achieved and we start seeing prices moving around this level or the same is also crossed for next targets.

Brahmastra (Mentorship) on timing the market – Learn the science of trading along with risk management, money management, complete trading strategy, Options Mantra, Sutra of Waves –Elliott wave, Neo wave and time cycles. 3 months of Mentorship is starting soon with only limited seats Know more

Nifty Elliott wave pattern, cannot be More Accurate!

 Elliott wave is the GPS of the market and it helps to understand the maturity of trends and shows the path ahead. 

It is possible to forecast the market using the simple scientific method of Elliott wave. 

Below is the chart of Nifty showing the possible path ahead which was derived in our live weekly webinar with 1000s of participants on 25th May 2024. 

Nifty hourly chart Anticipated on 25th May 2024 in Hourly webinar Nifty hourly chart Happened as on 29th May 2024

As shown on 1st chart we had shown the possible path on the basis of the Elliott Wave pattern on Nifty. Prices were expected to touch upper trendline in form of wave 3 and fall on downside in form of wave 4. We can clearly see after touching a lifetime high near 23110 we saw a correction from 23110 to the lows of 22705 a fall of 400 in just 3 trading sessions.

Happened: Nifty has been moving precisely the way we have been forecasting as per Elliott wave and continued to work extremely well as expected.

In a nutshell, Elliott wave helps to understand the maturity of trend and forecast the probable path. One needs to ensure to follow the rules of Elliott wave and Neo wave to trade with high conviction!

As of now, next important key support for Nifty is at 22700 levels. A breach below can accelerate further selling pressure which can drag the price lower towards 22580 levels.

Sutra of Waves Learn the science of trading Options and stocks along with Elliott Wave, Neo Wave, Fibonacci Trading system, and Ichimoku cloud in the upcoming live event on 1st - 2nd June 2024. Also, get access to Online Options Trading strategy in the entire Trishul program. Know more

Nifty at Lifetime Highs, Elliott Wave outlook

 Advanced Elliott wave – Neo wave acts as GPS of the market and helps in forecasting the prices.

Nifty is touching lifetime highs before the election result and the overall trend remains buy on dips.

The below chart shows a detailed Neo wave pattern of Nifty.

Nifty 60 minutes chart:  Elliott wave analysis – Nifty after forming a low near 18838 levels managed to show a sharp move towards 23000 levels.

The entire up move is in the form of a complex corrective pattern involving wave x. Prices are currently in the 3rd corrective pattern after wave x completed near the lows of 22000 levels.

Diametric pattern – In Neo wave, a 7-legged corrective pattern is defined as a Diametric pattern. This is very commonly seen on many of the stocks and Nifty. We can see that post-completion of wave (d) at the lows of 18838 the entire up move is in form of a running Diametric pattern. Post that the fall was wave x and again after that another Diametric pattern unfolded.

Another wave x completed at 22000 levels and Nifty touched lifetime highs above 23000 in the ongoing form of wave a. The nature of wave b formation which will retrace a portion of wave A is going to confirm the ongoing pattern. There is a high possibility that we might form a Triangle pattern here which means sideways action until the election result but with high volatility and broad range.

In a nutshell, Nifty can move between 22400 – 23290 levels as of now and we can see a breakout of this range post-election result outcome. With this information, it is possible to form a prudent trading strategy on options.

What is difference between Elliott wave and Neo wave? Application on Nifty charts

 Neo wave is an Advanced Elliott wave method with a greater number of rules and newer patterns to increase the overall objectivity. Whereas Elliott wave which was originally discovered by R. N. Elliott in 1930s. His original work mentioned that stock market does not move randomly but in systematic fashion. This systematic movement in prices are in form of waves. Normally there are 5 steps forward and 3 steps backward resulting into a net progression which is valid for stock market as well.

Any price movement as per basic Elliott wave is classified into Impulsive and Corrective. There are various patterns within these broader heads. Impulsive waves need to follow three basic rules:

1: Wave 2 cannot retrace complete of wave 1

2: Wave 3 cannot be the shortest of the directional waves 1, 3 and 5

3: Wave 4 cannot enter into territory of wave 1

The above 3 basic rules if followed then the price movement under consideration can be classified as a normal Impulse wave. However, when the market structure is complex there is possibility that the movement can be counted in many different ways. This can result into subjectivity and the entire purpose of wave theory can be lost. To overcome this limitation Neo wave was developed that has more than 15 different rules to define a simple impulse pattern. Following are a few of them:

1: Wave 2 cannot retrace more than 61.8% of wave 1

2: Wave 3 cannot be the shortest of the directional waves 1,3 and 5

3: Wave 4 cannot enter into territory of wave 2

  1. There has to be atleast one extended wave which is going to be 1.618% of non-extended wave. If there is no extension then the pattern under consideration is corrective
  2. One of the directional waves should subdivide
  3. Corrective waves should consume more time than the preceding impulsive wave
  4. Touch point rule: Out of 6 points not more than 4 points should lie on the channel
  5. ….
  6. …. etc

The above shows only a few sets of rules for an impulse pattern as defined by Neo wave. I will be discussing all the rules more in detail in Sutra of Waves Online training happening on 1st-2nd June 2024.

We take a step ahead and combine this complex study of Neo wave to that of Time cycles. It is not always that both the studies will be in sync but when they are then if we combine it with time then the trade set up is of high accuracy which have the potential to give the best of the returns in shortest amount of time.

Below is the part of research which was shown on 17/05/2024

Nifty daily chart anticipated as on 17th May 2024In the previous session, Nifty formed a bullish candle and finally gave close above mid bands. There was sharp acceptance above mid bands in final hour and as soon as prices broke above 22330 sharp rally to 22430 was seen. Tone is now positive as we broke above 22330 now target on the higher end comes near 22520 level. As per wave perspective, wave a look to have completed on the downside and next leg is unfolding on the upside in form of wave b we can expect a move towards upper bands.

Yesterday was a weekly F&O expiry. As expected, volatility was extreme. At the start of the session, Nifty gave breakdown of the range on the downside and made low of 22054. However, from thereon sharp pullback on the upside was seen which helped to recover all the early losses and gave breakout of the range (22330) and made high of 22432.

In a nutshell, Nifty gave a close above mid band and now tone has changed to positive. A break above 22440 can lift the price higher towards 22520 followed by 22630. While on the downside 22050 is the nearest support.

Nifty daily chart happened chart as on 23rd May 2024The above chart clearly shows how understanding Neo wave pattern helped us to catch a total move of more than 300 points which we have been mentioning in our research report since past few sessions.

Subscribe to “The Financial Waves short term update” daily equity research report that covers Nifty, Bank Nifty, stocks providing good trade setups on daily basis. Subscribe here

Sutra of Waves Learn the science of trading Options and stocks along with Elliott Wave, Neo Wave, Fibonacci Trading system, and Ichimoku cloud in the upcoming live event on 1st - 2nd June 2024. Also, get access to Online Options Trading strategy in the entire Trishul program. Know more